St. Joseph Vocational Training Centre Kamuli
Invites young men and women to be job creators
Join us and make your career Bright.
Admissions are in Progress.
St. Joseph VTC offers two years Craft Courses for Senior Four Leavers in various technical courses.
- Pass in Physics is required for courses such as Building Science, Electrical Installation, Carpentry, Metal Fabrication, Plumbing, Motor Vehicle Mechanic, and Tailoring.
- Pass in Biology is required for Catering and Agriculture. Having A Credits in English and Maths is good for course in Business Administration/Management.
Kindly Call +256783433702 , +256740419910, +256777052196 for more Details.
National Certificate Examinations are conducted by Uganda Business and Technical Examination Board (UBTEB) of UNEB.
All are advised to sit for Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) Examination conducted by Ministry of Labour which is skill based having employment opportunities.
On Special Arrangement, short courses can be given to individuals in different skills.
We also offer Driving Lessons and Process Driving Permits
For all courses St. Joseph VTC charges Ush. 465,750 as tuition and Ushs. 345,000 as boarding fees per semester.
On admission special charges will be made for admission, Identity Card, uniform, working dress, medical, training material and few other items.